Sunday, 15 December 2013

Can you see me?

Fidelis Berlin, who has featured in several of my books and plays a large part in the most recent one, Dead Woman Walking, is an old woman. She is in fact about the same age as me, which I admit because there is certainly no point now (if there ever was a point)  in pretending otherwise, since the truth can so easily be found on line. I don't know who first remarked that old women are  invisible, but rather to my surprise,  it seems to be true. For example: last week,  in a train on the way from Cornwall to London, the inspector came along the coach scrupulously  checking everybody's tickets and rail cards -  or rather,  I should say checking everyone else's. But his eyes passed unseeingly over my seat. I was invisible. I would have minded  being ignored if it hadn't given me an idea. As people say to young journalists, every unpleasant experience can be made into good copy.


  1. A very good point, and an interesting idea for a story. But might the ticket collector just have thought you were obviously so trustworthy, there was no need to check?!

  2. Martin Edwards4 January 2014 14:17

    A very good point, and an interesting idea for a story. But might the ticket collector just have thought you were obviously so trustworthy, there was no need to check?!

    Martin, I have no idea how to publish your comment so have copied it here..........thanks for the idea that I look honest: it's the greatest resource a criminal can have - except for not being visible at all. A little old ladies' crimewave must be on its way, in real life or on paper.

  3. Oh! perhaps your comment appears automatically if answered...........I'm not at ease with this blogging system.
